
St John Passion The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John 麦克米伦.詹姆士 圣约翰受难曲受难曲 总谱 博浩版

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克米伦的首部《受难曲》创作于 2007 年,为男中音独唱、小 "旁白 "合唱、大合唱和管弦乐队配乐。该作品长达 87 分钟,分为两个部分,共有 10 个乐章。正如保罗-斯派塞 (Paul Spicer) 所评论的那样:"《圣约翰受难曲》的独创性在于麦克米伦能够以巴赫当年的方式将新旧音乐融合在一起。其中不乏华丽的复调音乐段落,而拉丁文段落与英文福音故事之间的穿插也是对文本的一种全新诠释。在第七乐章("耶稣和他的母亲")中,麦克米伦不仅引入了《圣母颂》的部分内容,还加入了自己的歌词("Lully, lulla, my dear darling")。最后一个乐章是纯管弦乐,是一种 "via doloroso "进行曲,在铜管和弦上奏出苏格兰人的哀歌。这里的弦乐作品,包括哀伤的大提琴线条,让人不禁联想到 20 世纪早期的英国乐派。这应该是 21 世纪的战争安魂曲""

作曲家: MacMillan, James
乐器: baritone solo, small chorus (narrator chorus), large chorus and orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Scored for baritone solo, small ‘narrator’ chorus, large chorus and orchestra, MacMillan’s first Passion setting was composed in 2007. Lasting 87 minutes the work is divided into two parts, with 10 movements overall. As Paul Spicer has commented, “The originality of the St John Passion lies in MacMillan’s ability to mix old with new, rather in the manner of Bach in his day. There are passages of sumptuous polyphony and there is a fresh look at the text where passages of Latin are interspersed with the Gospel story in English. In movement seven ('Jesus and his Mother'), MacMillan introduces not only part of the Stabat Mater but also his own words ('Lully, lulla, my dear darling'). The final movement, which is purely orchestral, is a kind of via doloroso march with a Scots lament over quite brass chords. The string writing here, with its elegiac cello lines, is deeply reminiscent of the early 20th-century English school. This should be the War Requiem of the 21st century.”

语言: English - Latin
页数: 380
重量(g): 1280
ISMN: 9790060134470
ISBN: 9781784543792
UPC: 888680978648
