
L'Invisible Trilogie lyrique 莱曼 总谱 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
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简介 阿里贝特-莱曼的《抒情三部曲》改编自莫里斯-梅特林克的三部戏剧:在《L' Intruse》中,一家人与失明的祖父坐在桌旁。他们在等待医生的到来,以照顾产后卧病在床的女儿:她刚出生的儿子还没有发出一点声音。老人从房间里不安的气氛中感觉到不对劲。谁坐在我们中间?只有他能看到死亡的存在。室内傍晚时分,一家人再次围坐在餐桌旁,但这次我们是从外面观察的,与祖父和一个陌生人一起透过窗户看:听不到任何声音。陌生人在屋外报告说,大女儿淹死了,他已经把她从河里捞了上来。虽然尸体已经被抬到村子里的人家,但祖父还是不忍心破坏这田园诗般的生活。丁塔吉尔斯的死年轻的丁塔吉尔斯听说了一个关于神秘城堡和年迈王后的故事,王后杀害了所有可能的王位继承人。他的兄弟姐妹们感觉到丁塔吉尔斯是被召唤到城堡里来被谋杀的,但没有人公开表达这个事实。正是间奏曲中的阴险死亡使者,现在以王后仆人的身份出现,他们满足了王后的要求,从王后姐妹的怀抱中夺走了熟睡的男孩。评论:"与《美狄亚》中暴风雨般的情感和暴力相比,莱曼的配乐在音效上的调整令人印象深刻。第一段以隆隆作响、犹豫不决和富有表现力的音乐开始,要求低音弦乐演奏出非常巧妙的音效,包括敲击和颤动的滑音,以嘈杂的方式表达致命的恐惧。在第二部分中,木管组的演奏时而近乎室内乐,时而又突然变得尖锐刺耳。第三部分在丰富饱满的管弦乐中肆意狂欢。雷曼展示其精湛技艺的方式,包括纹理的明暗变化、声音的涌现与消逝、节奏与旋律的苦难能力以及音乐的内在暴力等,无不令人折服。(沃尔夫冈-施赖伯,《歌剧世界》,2017 年 11 月)

作曲家: Reimann Aribert
出版社: Schott Music

L'Intruse - Interlude I - Intérieur - Interlude II - La Mort de Tintagiles

SYNOPSIS Aribert Reimann’s ‘Trilogie lyrique’ is based on three plays by Maurice Maeterlinck: In L’ Intruse, a family is sitting at the table with their blind grandfather. They are waiting for the doctor to arrive and tend to his daughter who is lying ill in bed after having given birth: her new-born son has not yet made a single sound. The old man senses that something is wrong due to the uneasy atmosphere in the room. ‘Who is sitting in our midst?’ he asks. He is the only one who can see the presence of death. Intérieur: Once again a family is gathered round the table in the evening, but this time we observe the action from outside, looking through the window with the grandfather and a stranger: no sound can be heard. Outside the house, the stranger reports that the eldest daughter has drowned and that he has pulled her out of the river. Although the corpse is already being carried through the village to the family, the grandfather cannot bring himself to destroy this idyll. La Mort de Tintagiles: The young Tintagiles is told a story about a mysterious castle and the aged queen who has all potential heirs to the throne murdered. His siblings sense that Tintagiles has been summoned to the castle to be murdered, but nobody openly expresses this fact. It is the sinister messengers of death from the interludes, now visible as the queen’s servants, who ful?l her demand and snatch the sleeping boy from his sisters’ arms. COMMENTARY ‘In comparison with his Medea for example with its stormy outbreaks of emotion and violence, Reimann’s score is worked in an impressive re?nement of sound. It begins with rumbling, hesitating and expressive music in the ?rst section, demanding highly ingenious sound effects from the lower strings including tapping and faltering glissandos in its noisy expression of mortal fear. In the second part, the woodwind formation plays at times almost in chamber music fashion and is then suddenly painfully shrill. The third part luxuriates and rages in its rich, full orchestration. The manner in which Reimann displays his mastery in textural shading, the invention of sounds welling up and fading away, the rhythmic and melodic capacity of suffering and the music’s inner violence are all utterly compelling.’ (Wolfgang Schreiber, Opernwelt, November 2017)
语言: French
重量(g): 910
ISMN: 9790001214179
UPC: 842819115281