
Concerto for Orchestra 林德贝里.马格努斯 管弦协奏曲 总谱 博浩版

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这部 28 分钟的大型管弦乐单乐章作品由 BBC 委托 BBC 交响乐团创作,该乐团于 2003 年在尤卡-佩卡-萨拉斯特的指挥下在伦敦巴比肯音乐厅首次演出了这部作品。当时,《伦敦独立报》评论道:"四十多岁的林德伯格已经到了不惑之年:这是另一个层次的作品,具有非凡的自信、大胆的姿态和建筑逻辑,让人一见如故......演奏者(和观众)的愉悦之情溢于言表"

作曲家: Lindberg, Magnus
乐器: orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
This 28-minute, single-movement work for large orchestra was commissioned by the BBC for the BBC Symphony Orchestra, who first performed the work in 2003 in the Barbican Hall, London, under Jukka-Pekka Saraste. At the time, the London Independent commented, “Lindberg, in his mid-forties, has come of age: this is a piece on another level with extraordinary confidence, boldness of gesture and an architectural logic that makes it immediately familiar … Palpable was the enjoyment of the players (and the audience).”

页数: 136
重量(g): 420
ISMN: 9790060117947
ISBN: 9781784545123
UPC: 888680964399
