
Intermezzo from the F.A.E.-Sonata 舒曼.罗伯特 间奏曲 奏鸣曲 竖笛 1把以上加钢琴 齐默尔曼版

原价 $630TWD - 原价 $630TWD
$630TWD - $630TWD
现价 $630TWD

这首间奏曲是约翰内斯-勃拉姆斯、罗伯特-舒曼和阿尔布雷希特-迪特里希(舒曼的学生之一)为小提琴和钢琴共同创作的作品的一部分。这首奏鸣曲是献给著名小提琴家约瑟夫-约阿希姆的。曲名取自约阿希姆座右铭 "自由而孤独"(Frei aber einsam)的首字母。舒曼的贡献在于此曲中的间奏曲,它的创作基于前面提到的 F、A、E 三个音调的主题思想。后来,他将这首间奏曲融入了他的第三首 A 小调小提琴奏鸣曲中。这里介绍的单簧管改编曲与原曲相比几乎没有任何改动。这个短乐章也适合作为安可曲"

作曲家: Schumann, Robert
校订者: Korody-Kreutzer, Stephan
乐器: clarinet in Bb and piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
This intermezzo is part of a joint composition by Johannes Brahms, Robert Schumann and Albrecht Dietrich (one of Schumann's pupils) for violin and piano. The sonata is dedicated to Joseph Joachim, the famous violinist. Its title is based on the initial letters of Joachim's motto Frei aber einsam (free but alone). Schumann's contribution is the intermezzo presented here whose composition is based on the thematic idea of the three tones F, A, E as mentioned before. Later on, he integrated this intermezzo into his 3rd sonata for violin in A minor. The arrangement for clarinet presented here required hardly any alterations from the original. The short movement is also suited as an encore.

语言: German - English - French
页数: 12
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790010308906
