Soul Bird for harpsichord or piano 灵魂乐 大键琴钢琴 钢琴独奏 朔特版
题 "Sielulintu"(灵魂之鸟)源于芬兰古代神话,在神话中鸟扮演着重要角色。人们相信,一个人出生时的灵魂由鸟儿带来,死亡时又被鸟儿带走。不久前,东芬兰的人们在睡觉时将木雕的鸟像放在床边,以保护灵魂,防止它在梦中迷失
作曲家: Mustonen, Olli
乐器: harpsichord or piano
出版社: Schott Music
The title Sielulintu” (soul bird) originates from ancient Finnish mythology in which birds play a prominent role. It was believed that the soul of an individual was brought by a bird at the time of birth and taken away by a bird at the time of death. Not all that long ago, people in Eastern Finland used to place bird figures carved out of wood at their bedside while sleeping to protect the soul and prevent it from becoming lost in their dreams.Olli Mustonen