Sonata A minor op. 34/6 玻瓦莫提耶 奏鸣曲小调 双簧管 一把以上加管弦乐团 朔特版
博伊斯莫蒂埃被认为是当时最受欢迎、最勤奋的作曲家之一。这首 A 小调奏鸣曲的原标题表示长笛、小提琴和其他乐器都非常适合演奏。作曲家在编排第一旋律部分时,让中音直笛无需任何改动即可演奏。这首奏鸣曲为弦乐合唱谱写,音调效果极佳。在独奏配乐中,三件乐器(如三把小提琴)或三件完全不同的乐器(如长笛、小提琴、双簧管)最适合演奏高音部分"
作曲家: Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de
编者: Ruf, Hugo
乐器: 3 melodic instruments (flutes, violins, oboes) or string orchestra and basso continuo; harpsichord (piano), cello (viola da gamba, bassoon) ad libitum
出版社: Schott Music
Boismortier is considered to be one of the most popular and most hard-working composers of his time. The original title of this sonata in A Minor indicates flutes, violins and other instruments as well suited for performance. The composer arranged the first melody part in such a way that it can be played by an alto recorder without any changes. Scored for string chorus, the sonata achieves a very good tonal effect. With soloistic scoring, three equal instruments (e.g. three violins) or three completely different instruments (e.g. flute, violin, oboe) are best suited for the performance of the upper parts.