
Trio in A Minor, Op. 114 - Revised Edition for Piano, Clarinet (Viola) and Cello 布拉姆斯 钢琴 中提琴 大提琴 钢琴三重奏 亨乐版

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约翰内斯-勃拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms)的晚期室内乐作品无疑是为单簧管创作的最杰出的音乐之一。在生命的最后几年,勃拉姆斯似乎厌倦了作曲--但幸运的是,1891 年,他遇到了迈宁根宫廷管弦乐团的单簧管独奏家理查德-米尔费尔德,后者婉转动听的演奏艺术深深吸引了他,并激发了他创作新作品的灵感。三重奏,作品 114充满了忧郁和秋意,深受所有单簧管演奏家的喜爱。现在,Henle 出版了该曲的修订版。音乐文本沿用了《新勃拉姆斯全集》(New Brahms Complete Edition)的文本,从而保证了最高的精确度,并反映了当前的研究水平。钢琴家克劳斯-席尔德(Klaus Schilde)为这一Urtext 版本添加了宝贵的指法"

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校订者: Katharina Loose-Einfalt
乐器: Cello; Clarinet; Piano; Viola; Chamber Ensemble
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Johannes Brahms' late chamber works are surely among the most splendid music ever written for the clarinet. In the last years of his life, Brahms seems to have become weary of composing – but fortunately for posterity, in 1891 he met the solo clarinettist of the Meiningen court orchestra, Richard Mühlfeld, whose mellifluous art of performance captivated him and inspired him to new works. The Trio, Op. 114 is melancholy and autumnal in character, and is loved by all clarinettists. It is now available from Henle in a revised edition. The musical text follows that of the New Brahms Complete Edition, and thus guarantees the highest degree of precision and reflects the current state of research. The pianist Klaus Schilde has added valuable fingerings to this Urtext edition.

页数: 38
重量(g): 280.665
UPC: 888680716394
