
Patikka for violin, violoncello and piano 钢琴三重奏 大提琴钢琴 芬尼卡·盖尔曼版

原价 $900TWD - 原价 $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD
现价 $900TWD

为钢琴三重奏而作的帕蒂卡(跋涉)(2011 年)是 Juvenalia 音乐学院为 2012 年的室内乐比赛而创作的,是一首非常适合年轻演奏家演奏的室内乐作品。该曲目采用成语式的写作手法,人物形象鲜明,令人过目难忘,创造出一种透明的质感。基尔莫-林蒂宁(生于 1967 年)拥有作曲家、钢琴家和指挥家等多种音乐才能。他的作品几乎囊括了从独奏到歌剧的所有流派和类别,而且他在不同流派之间游刃有余,丝毫没有 "跨界艺术家 "的架子;在他看来,多才多艺是与生俱来的。他经常从二十年代的法国音乐及其内在的音乐性中寻找灵感。幽默和俏皮是他音乐中的特色元素,自然、音乐性的演奏方式以及令人陶醉的、充满活力的、甚至是诙谐的音乐风格也是如此"

作曲家: Lintinen Kirmo
乐器: piano trio
出版社: Fennica Gehrman
Comissioned by Juvenalia Music Institute for a chamber music competition in 2012, Patikka ("Trek") for piano trio (2011) is a perfect chamber music piece for young players. Idiomatic writing and clear, memorable characters create a transparent texture. Kirmo Lintinen (b. 1967) is a man of many musical talents: composer, pianist and conductor. His catalogue encompasses almost all genres and categories of composition, from solo work to opera, and he operates with ease from one to another without being a “crossover artist”; in his case, the versatility is both internalised and innate. He often finds inspiration in French music of the 1920s and its intrinsic musicality. Humour and playfulness are characteristic elements of his music, as are a natural, musicianly approach and an enchantingly effervescent, even tongue-in-cheek texture.

页数: 16
ISMN: 9790550115361
