
Curriculum vitae Nr. 14 Monumentum pro Ingeborg Bachmann 钢琴三重奏 柏特-柏克版

来自 Bote & Bock
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历纪念英格伯格-巴赫曼 "是海登-艾森斯塔特三重奏于 2005 年为纪念奥地利重要诗人英格伯格-巴赫曼(1926-1973 年)诞辰 80 周年的 "巴赫曼音乐 "项目而创作的。简历》是对英格博格-巴赫曼诗歌中所表达的生活和思想的某些方面的音乐反思。诗歌文本并未被谱成乐曲,但《长子之国》(Das erstgeborene Land)和《黑色圆舞曲》(Schwarzer Walzer)等个别诗篇被用作这部双乐章作品的创作灵感来源。在三重奏的开头,小提琴和大提琴引入了一个长达一分多钟的 "盒 "状段落,该段落与随后钢琴中的琶音一起,成为整首乐曲和声与旋律发展的基础,并多次以变化的形式重现。另一个萌芽细胞可追溯到一段音乐引文:英格伯格-巴赫曼(Ingeborg Bachmann)的遗作诗集片段以《我知道没有比这更好的世界》(Ich weiß keine bessere Welt)为题出版,其中对瓦格纳的《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》(Tristan and Isolde)的明确暗示激发了对该歌剧第二乐章中段著名爱情二重唱(《温和与柔软》)的疏离回忆"

作曲家: Deutsch Bernd Richard
乐器: piano trio
出版社: Bote & Bock
Curriculum vitae. Monumetum pro Ingeborg Bachmann was written in 2005 as a commission from the Haydn-Trio Eisenstadt for the project “Bachmann set to music” in honor of the 80th birthday of the important Austrian poet Ingeborg Bachmann (1926-1973). Curriculum vitae is a musical reflection on certain aspects of Ingeborg Bachmann’s life and thought as expressed in her poetry. The texts have not been set to music, but individual poems such as The firstborn country (Das erstgeborene Land) and Black Waltz (Schwarzer Walzer) have been used as a source of inspiration for the composition of this two movement work. At the beginning of the Trio, the violin and the cello introduce a hocket-like passage which lasts over one minute and that, together with the following arpeggio in the piano, is used as a basis for the harmonic and melodic development of the whole piece and returns several times in altered form. Another germ cell traces back to a musical quotation: Ingeborg Bachmann’s posthumous volume of poetry fragments, published under the title I know of no better world (Ich weiß keine bessere Welt ), in which unmistakable allusions to Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde inspired an alienated reminiscence of this opera’s famous love duet in the middle section of the second movement (Mild and soft).
难度: difficult

页数: 70
重量(g): 280
ISMN: 9790202534403
