
The Piano 钢琴

原价 $580TWD - 原价 $580TWD
$580TWD - $580TWD
现价 $580TWD

迈克尔-奈曼的六首原创钢琴独奏曲,来自简-坎皮恩的获奖影片。英国作曲家迈克尔-尼曼已发展成为最受欢迎甚至最重要的电影音乐作曲家之一,他为 1992 年电影《钢琴》(The Piano)创作的电影配乐无疑是他最著名、最耳熟能详的作品。尼曼的音乐风格完美地突出了坎皮恩电影的基调,虽然这里有许多优美而丰富的音乐,但它是一幅令人魂牵梦萦、不祥的声音画面,反映了大海、天空和精神的灰色"

作曲家: Michael Nyman
乐器: Piano
出版社: Music Sales America

The Piano

Six original compositions for solo piano, by Michael Nyman, from the award winning film by Jane Campion. English composer Michael Nyman has developed into one of the most popular, if not important, composers of film music, and his film score for the 1992 film The Piano is without doubt the most famous and familiar of his compositions. The tone of Campion's film is perfectly emphasised by Nyman's style and though much here is beautiful and rich, it is a haunting and foreboding sound picture that reflects the greys of sea, sky and spirit.

Contents: Big My Secret • Deep Sleep Playing • The Mood that Passes Through You • The Attraction of the Pedalling Ankle • The Heart Asks Pleasure First the Promise/the Sacrifice • Silver-Fingered Fling
页数: 32
重量(g): 161.595
尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
EAN: 9780711933224
UPC: 752187608714
