
En Foret for French Horn and Piano 法国号(含钢琴伴奏)

原价 $900TWD - 原价 $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD
现价 $900TWD

欧仁-博扎在二十世纪二三十年代在巴黎音乐学院屡获殊荣,后来指挥了科米克歌剧院管弦乐团,并成为瓦朗谢讷音乐学院院长。作为古典音乐前沿的重要人物,博扎的作品深受听众欢迎,En Foret也不例外。博扎的这首法国圆号钢琴曲巧妙地将圆号独奏与印象派钢琴伴奏结合在一起。作曲家在整首曲子中频繁使用呼唤和响应的手法,让人联想到圆号的狩猎渊源。作为一名音乐教育家,保罗-格里菲斯曾撰文评价博扎的作品,称 "他的作品展现了流畅的旋律、优雅的结构以及对乐器能力的一贯关注"

作曲家: Eugène Bozza
乐器: Horn; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

En Foret

Having won many prizes at the Paris Conservatoire during the 1920s and 1930s, Eugène Bozza went on to conduct the orchestra of the Opéra-Comique and to become Head of the Conservatoire in Valenciennes. As a major figure on the classical music frontline, Bozza's compositions were well-received by audiences, En Foret being no exception. This Bozza piece for French horn and piano masterfully combines a virtuosic horn solo with impressionistic piano accompaniment. The composer includes reminders of the horn's hunting roots with frequent uses of call and response throughout. As a music educator, Paul Griffiths has written of Bozza's compositions, saying how “his works reveal melodic fluency, elegance of structure and a consistently sensitive concern of instrumental capabilities.”
页数: 8
重量(g): 70.875
UPC: 888680787721