
Symphonie D Major Hob. I:86 Orchestra Study Score 海登 管弦乐团 总谱 亨乐版

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瑟夫-海登的所谓 "巴黎交响曲 "创作于 1785 年和 1786 年,是为巴黎的共济会 "奥林匹克协会 "而作。这六部作品以其艺术性的动机和俏皮的机智而著称。海登在此向巴黎听众挑剔的品味和乐团音乐家的卓越能力致敬。这些交响曲在巴黎、维也纳和伦敦出版后,迅速蜚声欧洲。在这首创作于 1785 年的 A 大调交响曲中,海登在快板部分为长笛提供了协奏曲般的独奏段落,这或许是为了向当时在法国广受欢迎的长笛致敬。本研究版再现了《海登全集》的音乐文本,是最优秀学术成果的保证。翔实的前言和简短的评论报告使这一方便的乐谱成为现在和未来所有海登乐迷的理想伴侣"

作曲家: Joseph Haydn
校订者: Klaus Lippe
乐器: Orchestra
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Joseph Haydn's so-called Paris Symphonies were composed in 1785 and 1786 for the masonic lodge “Société Olympique” in Paris, which ran a large orchestra and organised regular concerts. These six works are notable for their artful motivic work and playful wit. Haydn here pays tribute both to the discerning taste of the Paris audience and to the excellent abilities of the musicians in the orchestra. These symphonies rapidly became famous and popular throughout Europe, thanks to editions published variously in Paris, Vienna and London. In this D-major symphony, composed in 1786, the slow movement entitled “Capriccio” is very free in its form, and its introverted mood stands in marked contrast to the exuberance of the other movements. This study edition reproduces the musical text of the Haydn Complete Edition, which is a guarantor of the finest scholarship. An informative preface and a brief critical report make this handy score an ideal companion for all Haydn fans, both present and future.

页数: 66
重量(g): 155.925
UPC: 888680950606
