
Bossa, Samba & Tango Duets for Guitar and Flute Music Minus One GUITAR Edition 探戈 二重奏 吉他 长笛 吉他

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这里汇集了为长笛、吉他和打击乐编配的拉丁名曲。从传说中的格拉纳达和弗朗索瓦-博尔内(François Borne)激动人心的 "主题幻想曲"(选自比才的卡门),到巴西巨星塞尔索-马查多(Celso Machado)华丽的 "巴西流行组曲"(Suite Popular Brasileira)和阿斯托-皮亚佐拉(Astor Piazzolla)的 "自由之歌"(Libertango),这里有大量激动人心的音乐。请听演奏家卡塔日娜-布里(Katarzyna Bury)和克里斯蒂安-雷切特(Christian Reichert)在完整的参考录音中演奏这些经典曲目。然后,您可以坐在吉他手卡塔日娜-布里和打击乐手旁边,享受一场永生难忘的拉丁音乐狂欢!精彩!包括全新雕刻、权威印刷的独奏部分,并可访问在线录音,其中包含数字立体声录制的有独奏者的完整版本;以及没有独奏者的数字立体声伴奏版本"

作曲家: Various
乐器: Guitar
出版社: Music Minus One
Here is a collection of Latin masterpieces, arranged for flute, guitar and percussion. From the fabled Granada and François Borne's rousing “Fantasy on Themes” from Bizet's Carmen, to Brasilian superstar Celso Machado's magnificent “Suite Popular Brasileira” and Astor Piazzolla's “Libertango,” there is a wealth of thrilling music. Listen to virtuosi Katarzyna Bury and Christian Reichert perform these classic pieces in a complete reference recording. Then you take the guitarist's place next to the Katarzyna Bury and the percussionist for a Latin music-fest that you will never forget! Bravo! Includes a newly engraved, authoritative printed solo part, and access to online recordings containing a complete version with soloist, in digitally recorded stereo; then a digital stereo version of the accompaniment, minus the soloist.

Performed by Christian Reichert, guitar

Accompaniment: Katarzyna Bury, flute; Jochen Hank, percussion

Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.



Suite Popular Brasileira: Paçoca (Choro)

Suite Popular Brasileira: Quebra Queixo (Choro)

Suite Popular Brasileira: Piazza Vittorio (Choro Maxixe)

Suite Popular Brasileira: Algodao Doce (Choro)

Suite Popular Brasileira: Sambossa (Bossa Nova)

Suite Popular Brasileira: Pé de moleque (Samba Choro)


页数: 32
重量(g): 161.595
尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
EAN: 9781596157316
UPC: 884088507022
