
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Wunderkind Sonatas, Volume 2, K. 10-15 Piano and Violin (with Violoncello) With Marked and Unmarked Stri 莫扎特 钢琴 小提琴大提琴 奏鸣曲 钢琴三重奏 亨乐版

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利奥波德-莫扎特只能从上帝赐予的奇迹的角度来理解他儿子的音乐天才: "我的孩子[......]以他 8 岁的年龄就懂得了一个 40 岁的男人所应懂得的一切。总之,没有亲眼目睹或亲耳聆听的人是无法相信的"。1764 年,沃尔夫冈在伦敦创作了六首奏鸣曲--可能是以约翰-克里斯蒂安-巴赫的 "作品 2 "为蓝本--它们既可以作为钢琴三重奏、小提琴奏鸣曲演奏,也可以在钢琴上演奏。"该版本参考了 "皇家 "数据:大英图书馆收藏的副本上有手写注释:"本卷属于女王,1788 年"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校订者: Wolf-Dieter Seiffert
乐器: Cello; Violin; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Leopold Mozart was only able to understand his son's musical genius in terms of it being a God-given wonder: “That my boy [...] knows all of this with his 8 years that could be expected of a man of forty years. In short: whoever has not seen or heard it, cannot believe it.” In 1764 Wolfgang composed six sonatas in London – possibly after the model of Johann Christian Bach's “Opus 2” – that can either be played as piano trios, violin sonatas, or simply on the piano. “Royal” sources were consulted for the edition: the copy in the British Library bears the handwritten note: “This Volume belongs to the Queen 1788.”

页数: 22
重量(g): 462.105
UPC: 884088884062
