
Viola Sonata in B-Flat Major, Op. 36 With Marked and Unmarked String Part 奏鸣曲 中提琴(含钢琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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维欧克斯坦普如今被认为是法国-比利时小提琴学派的杰出代表。1834 年,罗伯特-舒曼(Robert Schumann)在观看了这位 14 岁的 "天才 "的音乐会后说:"有了亨利,我们就可以安心地结束自己的音乐生涯了: "与亨利在一起,人们可以放心地闭上眼睛。他的演奏就像一朵花,既芬芳又鲜艳"。维欧克斯坦普斯也是一位出色的中提琴演奏家,除了为小提琴创作了大量作品外,他还为中提琴演奏家创作了多首作品。发表于 1862 年的奏鸣曲作品 36 是中提琴文学的瑰宝之一,它在富有表现力的大步奏鸣曲、优雅的巴卡拉拉和回旋曲段落之间摇摆。我们的版本是有史以来第一个Urtext版本"

作曲家: Henry Vieuxtemps
校订者: Peter Jost
乐器: Viola; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Vieuxtemps is nowadays considered to be the foremost exponent of the Franco-Belgian violin school. Following a concert by the 14-year old “wunderkind” in 1834, none other than Robert Schumann said: “With Henri one can safely close one's eyes. His playing is like a flower, at the same time both fragrant and bright.” Vieuxtemps was also an excellent viola player and alongside numerous works for violin, also wrote several compositions for its relative. The Sonata op. 36, published in 1862, is one of the gems of viola literature with its oscillation between expressive maestoso, elegiac barcarola and scherzando passages. Our edition is the first ever Urtext edition.

页数: 40
重量(g): 292.005
UPC: 888680013158
