
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 Study Score 贝多芬 交响曲 总谱 亨乐版

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贝多芬在 1815 年写下第一批草图后,直到 1824 年才最终完成了他最后一部交响曲。这首交响曲的结尾部分由独奏家和合唱团共同完成,以他们对博爱的赞颂为交响大合唱架起了一座桥梁,它标志着交响曲历史上的一个转折点,并在十九世纪久久回荡。弗里德里希-席勒的 "欢乐颂 "主旋律在最后乐章中谱写成乐曲,成为古典音乐中最受欢迎的旋律之一,如今已成为欧洲的官方国歌。该版本以《贝多芬全集》的音乐文本为基础,并配有新的序言,反映了贝多芬学术研究的最新成果。现在,每个人都能以合理的价格和方便的格式获得这一学习版本"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校订者: Beate Angelika Kraus
乐器: Orchestra
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
After the first sketches had been put to paper in 1815, Beethoven only finally put the finishing touches to his last completed symphony in 1824. With its extended finale in which soloists and choir perform, building the bridge to the symphonic cantata with their invocation of fraternity, it marks a caesura in the history of the symphony that echoed long into the nineteenth century. The main theme of the ode “To Joy” by Friedrich Schiller, set to music in the final movement, has become one of the most popular melodies in all of classical music and today serves as the official anthem of Europe. Based on the musical text of the Beethoven Complete Edition and furnished with a new preface, this recently prepared edition reflects the latest in Beethoven scholarship. Now,in this study edition, it is available to everyone at a reasonable price and in a handy format.

页数: 266
重量(g): 515.97
UPC: 840126932737
