
Symphony D Major Op. 73, No. 2 Study Score 布拉姆斯 交响曲 总谱 亨乐版

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在创作《第一交响曲》时,勃拉姆斯仍深受贝多芬的影响;而在《第二交响曲》中,他大大放松了对贝多芬的束缚。现在,动机装饰的原则不仅渗透到发展部,而且渗透到整个第一乐章。在接下来的乐章中,一切似乎也都是相互关联的。在维也纳音乐厅的首演是勃拉姆斯职业生涯中最伟大的胜利之一,他热情洋溢地写道: 他热情洋溢地写道:"这里的乐团以我从未有过的热情排练、演奏和赞美我"。有了这本学习乐谱版,指挥家、学生和勃拉姆斯迷们就能以小巧便捷的形式欣赏到《勃拉姆斯全集》的Urtext(同样由Henle出版)。编者--勃拉姆斯专家罗伯特-帕斯卡尔(Robert Pascall)--在序言中介绍了有关这部作品的起源和出版历史的有趣信息"

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校订者: Michael Struck
乐器: Orchestra
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
During composition of his First Symphony, Brahms was still very much under Beethoven's influence; in his Second Symphony he loosened the ties considerably. The principle of motivic embellishment now infuses not just the development section but the whole of the first movement. In the following movements, too, everything appears to be interrelated. The premiere in Vienna's Musikverein was one of the greatest triumphs of Brahms's career, and he wrote enthusiastically: “The orchestra here rehearsed, played, and praised me with a zeal that has never happened to me before.” With the aid of this study-score edition, conductors, students and Brahms aficionados can enjoy the Urtext of the Brahms Complete Edition (likewise published by Henle) in a convenient small format. In his preface, the editor – Brahms expert Robert Pascall – presents interesting information about the work's genesis and publishing history.

页数: 240
重量(g): 456.435
UPC: 884088184278
