
Horn Quintet in E-flat Major K. 407 (386c) With Horn Parts in E-flat and F Horn, Violin, 2 Violas, and Violoncello 莫扎特 五重奏 法国号 小提琴 大提琴 中提琴 亨乐版

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莫扎特的三部圆号协奏曲不仅得益于他与伊格纳茨-莱特格布(Ignaz Leutgeb)的友谊,这部不同寻常的室内乐作品的独奏部分也是专门为他而写。伴奏的弦乐四重奏不是两把小提琴,而是两把中提琴,它们与圆号深沉而温暖的音色相得益彰,为作品增添了独特的音色效果。与《塞拉格里奥的诱拐》中的动机相呼应,我们可以推测这首曲子与《咏叹调》创作于同一时期。由于亲笔签名缺失,本版本以第一版为基础。此外,评注还对二手数据进行了仔细评估,为了解莫扎特的创作意图提供了重要依据"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校订者: Henrik Wiese
乐器: Horn; Ensemble
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
We not only owe three of Mozart's horn concertos to his friendship with Ignaz Leutgeb; the solo part of this unusual chamber music work was also written especially for him. Instead of having two violins, the accompanying string quartet has two violas, which complement the dark and warm timbre of the horn and lend the work a unique tonal effect. Echoes of motives from the “Abduction from the Seraglio” allow us to suppose that is was composed around the same time as the Singspiel. As the autograph is missing, this edition is based on the first edition. In addition the critical apparatus provides a careful evaluation of the secondary sources, affording important insights into Mozart's intentions.

页数: 0
重量(g): 246.645
UPC: 884088511555
