
Gaspard de la nuit Piano 拉威尔‧摩利斯 钢琴 亨乐版

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法国浪漫主义诗人阿洛伊修斯-贝特朗(Aloysius Bertrand)的散文诗集启发了拉威尔创作钢琴组曲《夜之加斯帕德》(Gaspard de la nuit)。与早期作品不同的是,他并不只是对文学模式进行气氛描绘,而是以一种引人入胜的方式,用音乐手段再现了阴森怪诞的场景。他的 "三首超凡脱俗的浪漫诗歌 "被认为超越了当时被认为无法演奏的巴拉基列夫的Islamey(HL 51480793)的精湛技术。我们的版本不仅以清晰、较大的格式提供了无可挑剔的Urtext:贝特朗用三种语言为每一部分作了相应的诗歌序言"

作曲家: Maurice Ravel
校订者: Peter Jost
乐器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
A collection of prose poems by the French Romantic Aloysius Bertrand inspired Ravel to write his piano cycle Gaspard de la nuit. Unlike earlier works he does not merely create an atmospheric depiction of the literary model – in a fascinating manner he recounts the eerie-grotesque scenes using musical means. His “three romantic poems of transcendental virtuosity” were supposed to surpass the technical refinement of Balakirev's Islamey (HL 51480793), which was considered unplayable at the time. Our edition not only offers impeccable Urtext in a clear, larger format: the corresponding poem by Bertrand prefaces each part in three languages.

页数: 60
重量(g): 280.665
UPC: 884088551353
