
Divertimento K525 Eine kleine Nachtmusik String Quartet and Double Bass; or Chamber Orchestra Study Score 莫扎特 弦乐四重奏 室内合奏团 嬉游曲弦乐小夜曲 弦乐五重奏 总谱 亨乐版

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$600TWD - $600TWD
现价 $600TWD

莫扎特的《小夜曲》无疑是最受欢迎的所谓古典音乐作品之一。虽然他的手稿并非完全没有修改,但它无疑仍是莫扎特最优美的作品之一,也是我们Urtext版本的(唯一)来源。莫扎特希望他最著名的小夜曲由弦乐四重奏和低音提琴演奏(HN 1005);但众所周知,由室内乐团演奏也很好听,因此也可以单独订购乐曲部分。此外,还有一个额外的小惊喜: 编者相信,他已经找到了《小夜曲》献给的那位备受讨论的人物--答案可在序言中找到"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校订者: Wolf-Dieter Seiffert
乐器: Chamber Orchestra; String Quintet
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Mozart's “Kleine Nachtmusik” is surely one of the most popular works of so-called classical music. Although his manuscript is not completely free of corrections, it is still undoubtedly one of Mozart's most beautiful and serves as the (sole) source for our Urtext edition. Mozart wanted to see his most famous serenade performed by a string quartet with double bass (HN 1005); but it is well-known that it also sounds good when played by a chamber orchestra, so the parts can also be ordered individually. And there is another little extra: The editor believes he has identified the much discussed person to whom the “Klein Nachtmusik” was dedicated – the answer can be read in the preface.

页数: 24
重量(g): 70.875
UPC: 884088551810

