
Cello Sonata No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 117 佛瑞 奏鸣曲 大提琴 亨乐版

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与四年前创作的第一首大提琴奏鸣曲(HN 1357)相比,第二首奏鸣曲从一开始就获得了观众和评论界的巨大成功。1922年5月首演后的第二天,他的朋友和同事文森特-达因迪(Vincent d'Indy)写信给福雷: "我想告诉您,您如此美妙的奏鸣曲仍然深深地吸引着我。在这首奏鸣曲中,我找到了如今似乎已被遗忘的东西:音乐"。因此,这首奏鸣曲迅速成为音乐会曲目也就不足为奇了,它至今仍保持着无可争议的地位。戴维-格林加斯(David Geringas)和马库斯-贝尔海姆(Markus Bellheim)二重奏提供了指法"

作曲家: Gabriel Fauré
校订者: Fabian Kolb
乐器: Cello
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
In contrast to the first cello sonata (HN 1357) composed four years earlier, this substantially more catchy and playful second sonata enjoyed great success with audiences and critics right from the start. Friend and associate Vincent d'Indy wrote to Fauré the day after the premiere in May 1922: “I would like to tell you how much I am still charmed by your so beautiful sonata. In it I found what is seemingly forgotten these days: music.” It therefore comes as no surprise that the sonata rapidly found its way into the concert repertoire, where it maintains an uncontested position to this today. The duo David Geringas and Markus Bellheim provided fingerings.

页数: 0
重量(g): 232.47
UPC: 840126957051
