
Let's Play Flute! - Repertoire Book 2 Book with Online Audio 长笛

来自 Ricordi
原价 $520TWD - 原价 $520TWD
$520TWD - $520TWD
现价 $520TWD

本曲集收录了 18 首长笛作品,并配有钢琴伴奏。这些补充曲目经过精心挑选,以配合学生在 Let's Play Flute 中的学习进度!教学法第二册》中的学生的进度而精心挑选的,包括亨德尔、莫扎特、泰勒曼和冯-韦伯的作品。此外,还包括巴西、英国、法国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯和美国的新编民歌。专业制作的伴奏录音由经验丰富的室内乐钢琴家在施坦威三角钢琴上演奏。部分速度较快的乐曲有两个伴奏音轨:慢速供练习,快速供演奏

作曲家: Edmund Waechter
乐器: Flute
出版社: Ricordi
This collection features 18 pieces for flute with piano accompaniment. This supplemental repertoire has been carefully chosen to match the student's progress in Let's Play Flute! Method Book 2 with pieces included from Handel, Mozart, Telemann, and von Weber. It also includes new arrangements of folksongs from Brazil, England, France, Romania, Russia, and the United States. The professionally-produced accompaniment recordings feature an experienced chamber music pianist on a Steinway grand piano. Selected faster pieces have two accompaniment tracks: slow for practice and fast for performance.

页数: 32
重量(g): 189.945
EAN: 9781495008672
UPC: 888680041953
