
50 Syncopated Snare Drum Solos A Modern Approach for Jazz, Pop, and Rock Drummers 鼓独奏 爵士音乐

来自 Hal Leonard
原价 $760TWD - 原价 $760TWD
$760TWD - $760TWD
现价 $760TWD

斯佩里-卡拉斯从 4/4 拍开始,有条不紊地带领大家领略切分音的魅力,然后是奇特而多变的拍子。掌握了这些独奏技巧,你就能为当今的音乐舞台做好准备,让你在爵士乐、流行乐和摇滚乐等要求最苛刻的现代音乐挑战中获得控制力和安全感。你的阅读技巧也将得到回报。50首交响小鼓独奏是比赛和音乐会表演的理想之选,而且正如斯佩里在书中和在线音讯中演示的那样,适用于架子鼓。(购买价格包括在线音频下载或流媒体访问权)是当今严肃鼓手的必备之选!

作曲家: Sperie Karas
乐器: Snare Drum;Drum
Sperie Karas takes you systematically through the land of syncopation, starting with 4/4 time, and on to odd and changing meters. The mastery of these solos prepares you for today's musical scene, giving you the control and security for the most demanding contemporary musical challenges in jazz, pop, and rock. Your reading skills will also be rewarded. 50 Syncopated Snare Drum Solos is ideal for competition and concert performance, and is applicable to the drumset, as Sperie demonstrates in the book as well as in the online audio. (The purchase price includes online access to audio for download or streaming) A must for today's serious drummer!

Online audio is accessed at halleonard.com/mylibrary


Solo 12

Solo 12, Letter C

Example 2
页数: 72
重量(g): 260.82
尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
EAN: 9781480344419
UPC: 884088910594
