
Bach Chorales for Band Bass Clarinet 巴赫‧约翰瑟巴斯提安 低音单簧管 圣咏合唱 管乐团

原价 $320TWD - 原价 $320TWD
$320TWD - $320TWD
现价 $320TWD

本曲集中的 28 首合唱曲适合音乐会乐队/管乐团、木管/低音合唱团、萨克斯管四重奏、长号四重奏或木管/低音混合团体使用。这些曲目非常适合用作热身、学习精确的音准和合奏,以及音乐会演出。本手册还为指挥提供了通过配器和平衡来改变动态的有用指导,增强索引还包括每首合唱曲的调性和节拍。此外,还包括三首音乐会选曲: 我呼唤你,主耶稣基督 "合唱前奏曲;《圣马太受难记》最后合唱;"我们都信奉一位神(巨大赋格)"合唱前奏曲"

作曲家: J.S. Bach
改编者: Richard E. Thurston
乐器: Concert Band; Bass Clarinet
出版社: Southern Music Co.
The 28 chorales in this collection are suitable for concert band/wind ensemble as well as woodwind/brass choir, saxophone quartet, trombone quartet, or mixed woodwind/brass groups. They are well-suited for use as warm-ups, for study of precise intonation and ensemble, and for concert performance. Helpful instructions to the director are included for varying dynamics through instrumentation and balance, and the enhanced index includes the key and meter of each chorale. Also included are three concert selections: Chorale Prelude on “I Call to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ”; Final Chorus from St. Matthew Passion; Chorale Prelude on “We All Believe in One God (Giant Fugue)”
难易度: 3

页数: 16
重量(g): 82.215
EAN: 9781581065398
UPC: 884088707279

