
Serenade Six easy pieces 小夜曲 小品 竖笛 1把以上加钢琴 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
原价 $980TWD - 原价 $980TWD
$980TWD - $980TWD
现价 $980TWD

伊万-缪勒于 1786 年 12 月 3 日出生于俄国雷瓦尔(今爱沙尼亚塔利宁),1854 年卒于德国比克堡。1808/09 年,他作为单簧管演奏家在柏林、莱比锡、维也纳、巴黎和其他许多地方进行了广泛的演出,并在那里展示了他发明的新式降 B 调 "全能单簧管"。德国至今仍在使用的音调系统就是基于缪勒的发明。作为一名作曲家,缪勒是早期浪漫主义风格的代表人物,他为自己选择的乐器创作了大量协奏曲以及这首《单簧管与钢琴(或竖琴或吉他)小夜曲》。编辑迪特尔-克洛克(Dieter Klöcker)写道:'这些相当优美、通俗易懂的浪漫主义小品在当时很受欢迎,我想即使在今天,它们也会得到专业和业余演奏者的认可'"

作曲家: Mueller, Ivan
编者: Kloecker, Dieter
乐器: clarinet and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Ivan Müller was born in Reval in Russia (now Tallinin, Estonia) on 3 December 1786 and died in Bückeburg (Germany) in 1854. In 1808/09 he performed widely as a clarinet virtuoso - in Berlin, Leipzig, Wien, Paris and many other places where he also presented the new ‘clarinette omnitonique’ in B flat which he had invented. The system of keys in use in Germany to this day is based on Müllers invention. As a composer Müller was an exponent of the early Romantic style and wrote numerous concertos for his chosen instrument as well as this Serenade for Clarinet and Piano (or Harp or Guitar). The editor Dieter Klöcker writes: ‘These rather beautiful and accessible Romantic miniatures enjoyed great popularity in their day and I assume that even today they will meet with the approval of professional and amateur players alike.’

页数: 34
重量(g): 130
ISMN: 9790001123853
