
Six Recital Pieces for young pianists 小品 钢琴独奏 柏特-柏克版

来自 Bote & Bock
原价 $600TWD - 原价 $600TWD
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现价 $600TWD

乌苏拉-马姆洛克创作于 1981 年的《六首青年钢琴独奏曲》以及之后不久于 1982 年创作的《四首青年钢琴独奏曲》无疑是作曲家最富有成果、最成功的岁月。乌苏拉-马姆洛克应她的朋友、小提琴家兼业余钢琴家莉洛-格里克的请求创作了这些作品,莉洛在 1982 年的本宁顿夏季音乐节上首演了这些作品。 每首乐曲的确切创作日期可在原始版本的乐谱中找到,其中《凄凉的雨滴》和《薄薄的冰》的创作日期为 1981 年 10 月 28 日,《风云掠过》和《呼唤》的创作日期为 1981 年 10 月 29 日,而《日出东方》和《日落西山》则是在一个月后的 1981 年 11 月 23 日加上去的。在 2005 年 12 月访问德国期间完成的第二份副本中,可以找到一些小的补充和更正。 在 1981 年为小提琴、大提琴和钢琴而作的十二音阶作品《PANTA RHEI》和 1983 年为大提琴独奏而作的作品《梦幻变奏曲》之间,马姆洛克创作了这几首人物小品,其典型的音乐语言是扩展调性、二度音程、三度音程、五声音阶结构、组和弦、动态对比、极宽音域的使用、节奏转换、踏板的微妙使用,所有这些在这首音乐中都发挥了重要作用。 毫无疑问,这六首小品中的丰富变化不仅能激发演奏者的兴趣,还能给演奏者带来无穷乐趣

作曲家: Mamlok, Ursula
乐器: piano
出版社: Bote & Bock

Sunrise in the East - The reluctant Raindrop - Storm Clouds passing - On thin Ice - A Clarion Call - Sunset in the West

Ursula Mamlok's SIX RECITAL PIECES FOR YOUNG PIANISTS, composed in 1981, as well as FOUR RECITAL PIECES FOR YOUNG PIANISTS, composed shortly afterwards in 1982, belong, no doubt, to the most fruitful and successful years of the composer.At the request of her friend, violinist and amateur pianist Lilo Glick, Ursula Mamlok wrote these pieces, which Lilo premiered at the Bennington Summer Music Festival of 1982.The exact dates of composition of each individual piece can be found in the original version of the score, showing the dates of THE RELUCTANT RAINDROP and ON THIN lCE were 10.28.1981, PASSING STORM CLOUDS and A CLARION CALL 10.29.1981 framing them, SUNRISE IN THE EAST and SUNSET IN THE WEST were added a month later on 11.23.1981. Small additions and corrections can be found in a 2nd copy, done during her visit toGermany in December 2005.Typical of Mamlok's musical language of these character pieces - written between the dodecaphonic works PANTA RHEI for violin, cello & piano of 1981 and FANTASIE VARIATIOATS for solo-cello of 1983 - is her use of extended tonality, intervals of diads, tritones, pentatonic scale structures, cluster chords, dynamic contrasts, the use of extremely wide ranges, rhythmic shifts, subtle use of pedalling, all playing an important role in this music.While each of these 6 miniatures, with their picturesque titles is in itself a self-contained character piece SIX RECITAL PIECES FOR YOUNG PIANISTS forms a cyclic whole.No doubt, the great variety inherent in these 6 miniatures will not only be stimulating, but also convey much enjoyment to the performing pianist.Dr. Dieter Michael Backes (Mainz, 2006)
页数: 16
重量(g): 90
ISMN: 9790202532751
UPC: 888680029685