
Speranza 总谱 博浩版

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斯佩兰扎》是特纳奇迄今为止最重要的管弦乐作品,是他作品中最接近交响乐的一部。四个乐章分别以阿拉伯语、德语、盖尔语和希伯来语的'希望'命名,但这种乐观似乎来之不易,仿佛经历了一个世纪的冲突。这部作品源于对保罗-塞兰(Paul Celan)大屠杀后诗歌的反思,音乐以巴勒斯坦、犹太和以色列的哀伤旋律为主,辅以亚美尼亚的杜达克(dudak)和东欧的辛巴伦(cimbalom)。除了第三乐章以爱尔兰为主题的回旋曲外,其他乐章的情绪都很沉郁,一连串的游行和变奏在管弦乐的照耀下显得格外耀眼"

作曲家: Turnage, Mark-Anthony
乐器: orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

Amal - Hoffen - Dochas - Tikvah

Speranza is Turnage’s most important orchestral score to date, as close to a symphony as any in his output. The four movements are titled by the Arabic, German, Gaelic and Hebrew words for ‘hope’, yet this optimism appears to be hard-won as if through a century of conflict. The work grew from reflections on the post-Holocaust poetry of Paul Celan, and the music is coloured by lamenting melodies – Palestinian, Jewish and Israeli – supplemented by the use of the Armenian dudak and Eastern European cimbalom. Other than the scherzo-like Irish-themed third movement the mood is brooding with a sequence of processions and variations illuminated by shafts of orchestral light.
页数: 116
重量(g): 360
ISMN: 9790060129094
ISBN: 9781784541781