
Three Sacred Concertos for trumpet and organ 亨采 协奏曲小号管风琴 小号 1把以上加钢琴 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
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现价 $3,250TWD

"安魂曲,为钢琴独奏、小号和大型室内乐团创作的 9 首神圣协奏曲 "是原作的标题,Henze 如是说: "这九首器乐曲讲述了当今人类的恐惧和需求;疾病和死亡,爱情和孤独。作曲家莫里茨-埃格特(Moritz Eggert)巧妙地为管风琴改编了这首要求极高且复杂的作品中的三个乐章--"伟大的雷克斯"(Rex tremendae)、"漆黑"(Lacrimosa)和 "圣哉"(Sanctus)。这种编曲现在经常在教堂中演奏,对演奏者提出了很高的要求,但他们总能确保这三个安魂曲乐章产生深刻的影响。小号与钢琴版本(ED 8548)目前正在制作中"

作曲家: Henze, Hans Werner
校订者: Eggert, Moritz
乐器: trumpet in C and organ
出版社: Schott Music

I Rex tremendae - II Lacrimosa - III Sanctus

“Requiem, 9 sacred concertos for piano solo, trumpet and large chamber orchestra” is the title of the original work of which Henze said: “These nine instrumental pieces speak of the fears and needs of mankind today; of sickness and death, of love and loneliness.” Three movements of this extremely demanding and complex work - Rex tremendae, Lacrimosa and Sanctus - have here been skilfully arranged for the organ by the composer Moritz Eggert. This arrangement, which is now often played in churches, places great demands upon the musicians who perform it – but they can always be sure of producing a deep impact with these three Requiem movements. A version for trumpet and piano (ED 8548) is currently in production.
页数: 104
重量(g): 370
ISMN: 9790001115148