
Stabat Mater 麦克米伦.詹姆士 总谱 博浩版

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《圣母颂》创作于 2015 年,由创世纪基金会委托哈里-克里斯托弗斯和十六人合唱团创作。该作品为混声合唱和弦乐管弦乐团而作,是人们期待已久的早期杰作《十字架上的七句遗言》(Seven Last Words from the Cross,1993 年)的续篇;事实上,后一部作品的开头是钢琴的'临终气息',而前一部乐谱的结尾也是如此令人难忘。Stabat Mater》分为四个乐章,时长 53 分钟。首演后,伦敦《金融时报》评论说,作曲家 "讲述了一个'充满损失、暴力和精神荒芜的痛苦世界'[......]。在这里可以找到麦克米伦的两面性,既是虔诚的信徒,又是大胆而富有戏剧性的画家--前者体现在独唱和合奏的空灵写作中,后者则体现在弦乐合奏所描绘的撕裂般的打击和狂热的焦虑中"

作曲家: MacMillan, James
乐器: choir and string orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Composed in 2015, Stabat Mater was commissioned by the Genesis Foundation for Harry Christophers and The Sixteen. Scored for mixed chorus and string orchestra it is a long-awaited sequel to the early masterpiece Seven Last Words from the Cross (1993), for the same forces; indeed, the later work begins with the pianissimo ‘dying breaths’ with which the earlier score so unforgettably closes. Cast in four movements Stabat Mater has a duration of 53 minutes. Following the première London’s Financial Times commented that the composer “speaks of a ‘painful world of loss, violence, and spiritual desolation’ […]. Both sides of MacMillan are to be found here, the devotional and the painter of bold, dramatic canvases – the former in the ethereal writing for solo and ensemble voices, the latter in the lacerating blows and feverish anxieties depicted in the string ensemble.”

语言: Latin
页数: 140
重量(g): 320
ISMN: 9790060135071
ISBN: 9781784544393
UPC: 888680916695
