
Sonata E minor Reprint of the first edition from 1911 郭多夫斯基 奏鸣曲小调 钢琴独奏

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$950TWD - $950TWD
现价 $950TWD

利奥波德-戈多夫斯基(Leopold Godowsky,1870 - 1938),波兰裔美国钢琴家和作曲家,以研究肖邦练习曲而闻名,这些练习曲也由罗伯特-里诺出版(5 卷,RL 16940 - 16980)。 E 小调奏鸣曲》长约 55 分钟,在浪漫主义和后期浪漫主义钢琴奏鸣曲中名列前茅。这首奏鸣曲由五个乐章组成:大型奏鸣曲式、慢板、回旋曲式、圆舞曲和由 B-A-C-H 赋格组成的终曲。 这首曲子展现了非凡的协奏曲技巧;它是一首技巧性很强的作品,但并没有将其技术难度作为炫耀的手段。随着需求的不断增长,罗伯特-里瑙(Robert Lienau)在这首钢琴奏鸣曲绝版许久之后,决定将其再次出版。出于实用的考虑,我们添加了小节编号,并将戈多夫斯基的原始脚注翻译成英文和法文。这对雄心勃勃的钢琴家来说是一个挑战!

作曲家: Godowsky, Leopold
乐器: piano
出版社: Musikverlag Robert Lienau
Leopold Godowsky (1870 - 1938), American pianist and composer of Polish origin, is famous for his studies on Chopin etudes, also published by Robert Lienau (5 volumes, RL 16940 - 16980). The Sonata in E Minor, with its duration of approx. 55 minutes, ranks among the largest Romantic and late Romantic piano sonatas. This sonata consists of five movements: large-scale sonata form, slow movement, scherzo-like movement, waltz and finale comprising a fugue on B-A-C-H. This composition evinces a remarkable mastery of contrapuntal technique; it is virtuoso without using its technical difficulties as a means for showing off. Following an ever-increasing demand, Robert Lienau has decided to make this piano sonata accessible once again after it had been out of print for a long time. For practical reasons, bar numbers were added, and Godowsky's original footnotes were translated into English and French. A challenge for ambitious pianists!

语言: German - English - French
页数: 60
重量(g): 240
ISMN: 9790011408001
