
Selected Piano Works Piano Solo 柯希纳狄奥多 钢琴 亨乐版

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西奥多-基什内尔是莱比锡、德累斯顿、苏黎世、温特图尔和汉堡成功的钢琴家、教育家和作曲家。他的作品非常丰富,包括钢琴、管风琴、室内乐和合唱团作品。直到最后,基什内尔仍是一位继承门德尔松和舒曼传统的钢琴小品大师,其作品名称极具特色,如 "相册树叶"(作品 7)、"夜景"(作品 25)和 "宁静时光"(作品 56)。他的圆舞曲、波兰舞曲和马祖卡舞曲也值得演奏和聆听。这本选集以惯常的Urtext质量收录了基什内尔一生各个阶段的34首钢琴曲,是掌握这位德国浪漫主义大师作品的绝佳起点"

作曲家: Theodor Kirchner
校订者: Kurt Hofman, Ernst Herttrich
乐器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Theodor Kirchner was a successful pianist, pedagogue and composer in Leipzig, Dresden, Zurich, Winterthur and Hamburg. His very extensive output includes works for piano, organ, chamber music and choir. To the very end, Kirchner remained a master of the piano miniature in the tradition of Mendelssohn and Schumann, with characteristic work-titles such as “Album leaf” (op. 7), “Night pictures” (op. 25) and “in quiet hours” (op. 56). His waltzes, polonaises and mazurkas are also worth playing and hearing. This anthology, in customary Urtext quality with 34 piano pieces from all phases of Kirchner's life, is an outstanding starting point for mastering the works of this German romantic.

页数: 100
重量(g): 394.065
UPC: 884088176389
