
In My Own Skin for piano 钢琴 钢琴独奏 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
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这首单乐章高度钢琴化作品的标题让我们清楚地知道作曲家的安身立命之所。但是,在这部作品的表皮之下,是两个相互竞争的声音世界。乐曲以大和声合唱开始,很快就被响亮的八度 16 分音符打断。或许可以将其视为两位强者之间的对话:一位是埃默森式的沉静、历经时间考验的理性之音,另一位则是狂野、迅捷的节奏之音。In My Own Skin》的戏剧性就在于这些互不关联的乐句中,每个乐句似乎都在争论整首乐曲的主题。爵士乐和古典音乐的寓意也让乐曲充满趣味。有些人可能会觉得开头的和弦不像是古典合唱,倒像是爵士大乐队的铜管乐和管乐,跑动的 16 分音像是列尼-特里斯塔诺(Lenny Tristano)或塞隆尼斯-蒙克(Thelonious Monk)的作品。当然,辛格尔顿的乐迷们知道,这首曲子与这两个世界都有关系,而这两个世界在他的音乐中都是平等的。在乐曲的中段,作曲家插入了一首近似加勒比海的曲调,似乎试图让争议平息一些。但很快我们又回到了原点,当作品结束时,平和理性的声音占据了最后的话语权--卡曼-摩尔(2012 年)"

作曲家: Singleton, Alvin
乐器: piano
出版社: Schott Music
The title of this one-movement highly-pianistic creation lets us know clearly where the composer is comfortable. But within that skin in this work are two competing sonic worlds. Beginning chorally in big harmonies, that mood is soon interrupted by loud running 16th note octaves.Slow, strong, and measured then seems to face off against young, strong, and impetuous throughout the piece. Or perhaps consider it a dialogue between two strong players; one the Emersonian voice of quiet, time-seasoned reason and the other wild and quicksilver, both in tempo and in rhythmic variety. The drama of In My Own Skin lies within these disjunct phrases, as each seems to argue as to what the whole piece should be about. Jazz and classical implications also keep things interesting. Some might hear those opening chords not so much as a classical chorale as like jazz big-band brass and winds, the running 16ths as something out of Lenny Tristano or Thelonious Monk. Of course Singleton fans know that it is about both, sonic and cultural worlds which live in his skin in comfortable equality. At midpoint in the piece the composer inserts a sly almost-Caribbean tune that seems to try to quiet the controversy down a bit. But soon we are back at it, and as the work closes the voice of placid reason has the last word.– Carman Moore (2012)

页数: 16
重量(g): 90
ISMN: 9790600011766
ISBN: 9781480370265
UPC: 884088984335
