
How to play Lead Trombone in a Big Band A Tune-Based Guide to Stylistic Playing in a Large Jazz Ensemble 长号 大乐队歌调 爵士音乐 长号教材

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即兴演奏是爵士乐的核心,但了解如何在大型爵士乐团中正确演奏也是必要的。马克-凯洛格(Mark Kellogg)所著的《如何在大乐队中担任长号领奏》是一本附有注释的指南,旨在说明长号演奏者探索在大型爵士乐团中演奏的乐趣和挑战。所涉及的主题包括:大乐队中主奏和副奏者的不同角色;演奏出具有凝聚力的副奏音色;以及以均衡感、音调和节奏感进行演奏。这些富有洞察力的评论通过对七首作品的详细分析和对每首作品的具体挑战的探讨来传达。随书附赠的 CD 提供了有用的听觉指导,使长号演奏者能够聆听每一个例子,或随录音一起演奏。本册涵盖的爵士乐风格多样,包括中摇摆、放克、波萨、快速摇摆和非洲-古巴感觉。这些乐曲的作曲者和编曲者都是这一流派中最具创新精神和最受尊敬的人物,如克莱尔-菲舍尔、比尔-多宾斯、吉姆-斯尼德罗、海纳-维伯尼和乔伊-塞勒斯。本出版物适合所有年龄和经验水平的长号手使用"

作曲家: Kellogg, Mark
乐器: trombone
出版社: advance music GmbH
Improvisation is at the heart of jazz, but knowing how to play stylistically correctly in a large jazz ensemble is also a necessity. How to Play Lead Trombone in a Big Band offers tips, suggestions, examples and a play along CD to help you put it all together.How to Play Lead Trombone in a Big Band by Mark Kellogg is an annotated guide written to help trombonists explore the joys and challenges of playing in a large jazz ensemble. Topics covered include the distinct roles of lead and section players in a big band; playing with a cohesive section sound; and performing with an even sense of balance, intonation and rhythmic feel. These insightful comments are conveyed by taking a detailed look at seven compositions and addressing the specific challenges of each work. The CD which accompanies this text provides a helpful aural guide, enabling the trombonist to listen to each example or to play along with the recording. The variety of jazz styles covered in this volume include medium swing, funk, bossa, fast swing, and Afro-Cuban feels. Composers and arrangers of these pieces include some of the most innovative and respected voices of the genre, such as Clare Fischer, Bill Dobbins, Jim Snidero, Heiner Wiberny and Joey Sellers. This publication is designed for use by trombonists of all ages and experience levels.

语言: English
页数: 42
重量(g): 260
ISMN: 9790206300080
ISBN: 9783892210795
UPC: 805095031041

