
Fifty Shades of E for Wind Orchestra 管乐团

来自 Amstel Music
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$12,380TWD - $12,380TWD
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"《E 的五十道阴影》是一次探索 E 音无数细微差别的音乐之旅。从它的基本音调功能到它在抒情的伪装下闪闪发光,E 音从每一个听觉角度都能被看到、听到和体验到。在低音铜管和打击乐一段简短而神秘的引子之后,整个乐队奏出了一段直接的齐声合唱旋律(第 11 小节)。这一主题直到作品结尾(第 355 小节)才完全显现出来。随后的合唱主题赋格曲从低音区开始(第 25 小节),通过整个乐队的迭加五度逐渐升高。与此同时,调性变得越来越不规则。各声部在巨大的齐奏节奏中重聚(第 107 小节),并转入 E 大调。打击乐和钢琴的旋律继续与 E 大调嬉戏,使用极简的重复音型,并在其中加入轻快的辅音(第 117 小节)。合唱主题很快在长号、圆号、萨克斯管和单簧管的四个不同节奏和旋律段落中相继出现。经过深思熟虑后,节奏逐渐停止。在一段自由的快板中,六支木管乐器独奏打破了气氛,由高到低,一个接一个地探访和润饰主旋律。在第 207 小节之前,男中音萨克斯独自徘徊:它的快板构成了通向反复无常的 Allegro agitato(第 207 小节)的桥梁,其间穿插着顿挫动作和重击。在一个准贝多芬音序(第 307-354 小节)之后,进入小调主旋律(第 355 小节),然后是一个光芒四射的结尾--不可避免地--进入一个响彻七个八度的单音 E"。约翰-德梅

作曲家: Johan de Meij
乐器: Wind Ensemble
出版社: Amstel Music
Fifty Shades of E is a musical expedition to discover the myriad nuances of the note E. Throughout the work, the E keeps one foot on center stage while venturing out through various movements. From its basic tonal functions to when it shimmers under a lyrical guise, the E is seen, heard and experienced from every aural angle. After a short, mysterious introduction in the low brass and percussion, a straightforward unison chorale melody is played by the entire ensemble (measure 11). This thematic subject will only emerge fully at the end of the work (m.355). The subsequent fugue on the chorale theme begins in the bass register (m.25), and gradually soars via superimposed fifths within the whole orchestra. At the same time, the tonal idiom becomes more and more unruly. The various groups reunite in a massive rhythmic unison (m. 107), which lands in E major. The melodic percussion and piano continue by playfully engaging the E, using minimalistic, repeating patterns with skittish, consonant additions (m. 117). The chorale theme soon emerges in four different rhythmic and melodic passages in – successively – trombones, horns, saxophones and clarinets. With deliberation, the rhythmic pattern grinds slowly to a halt. In a free cadenza, six solo woodwinds break the mood by visiting and embellishing the main theme, one after another, from high to low. Before measure 207, the baritone sax lingers on its own: its cadenza forms the bridge to the capricious Allegro agitato (m. 207), interspersed with staccato motions and hammering strikes. After a quasi-Beethovian sequence (m. 307-354) leading to the main theme in a minor key (m. 355), a radiant conclusion follows – inevitably – into a sounding unison E over seven octaves.” –Johann de Meij
难度: 5

页数: 0
重量(g): 1686.825
尺寸(cm): 35.56cm*27.305cm
UPC: 888680677671
