
Fantasiestücke für Klavier op. 61 幻想曲集 钢琴独奏

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谢尔盖-博特凯维奇(Sergei Bortkiewicz,1877-1952 年)继承了晚期浪漫主义钢琴传统,旋律才华横溢。这位乌克兰人曾在圣彼得堡师从阿纳托利-里亚多夫(Anatoly Lyadov),并在莱比锡师从李斯特的学生阿尔弗雷德-莱森瑙尔(Alfred Reisenauer),之后定居柏林。政治时局多次阻碍了他的事业。直到 1945 年,他才得以在维也纳重新站稳脚跟。1949年,音乐出版商本杰明(Benjamin)印刷了《钢琴幻想曲作品61》,但政治环境再次不利于Bortkiewicz。2013 年,手稿在莱比锡萨克森州档案馆被发现。这本初版本终于让人们能够欣赏到 Bortkiewicz 极具钢琴艺术风格的作品。这些幻想曲并不否认肖邦、拉赫玛尼诺夫和柴可夫斯基的典范,并以带有斯拉夫色彩的忧郁和维也纳的魅力令人着迷"

作曲家: Bortkiewicz, Sergej
乐器: piano
出版社: Simrock / Benjamin

Why? - A dream ... - ... and the awakening - Humoreske - She dances - Serenade

Sergei Bortkiewicz (1877-1952) continued the late-Romantic piano tradition with great melodic talent. After studying in St. Petersburg with Anatoly Lyadov and in Leipzig with the Liszt pupil Alfred Reisenauer, the native Ukrainian settled in Berlin. Political times blocked his career several times. It was not until in 1945 that he was able to regain his footing in Vienna. The Fantasy Pieces for Piano Op. 61 were to be printed in 1949 by the music publishers Benjamin, but again political circumstances were not in favour of Bortkiewicz. In 2013, the manuscript was discovered in the Saxon State Archive of Leipzig. This first edition finally makes Bortkiewicz's highly pianistic pieces accessible. The fantasy pieces do not deny the models Chopin, Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky and fascinate with Slavic tinted melancholy, paired with Viennese charm.
页数: 24
重量(g): 110
ISMN: 9790221122391
ISBN: 9783923051540