
Concert Piece (originally for flute and small orchestra) 华格纳.齐格菲 音乐会曲 长笛 管弦乐团 长笛加钢琴 齐默尔曼版

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齐格弗里德-瓦格纳的名字与他著名的父亲理查德-瓦格纳和他的儿子沃尔夫冈-瓦格纳(现任拜罗伊特音乐节总监)的名字相比显得微不足道。他的作品几乎被人遗忘,他作为导演的作品也随着时代精神的变迁而被淡忘。齐格弗里德-瓦格纳出生于 1869 年,是理查德-瓦格纳和科西玛-瓦格纳的第三个孩子,也是他们唯一的儿子。他先是学习建筑,然后师从恩格尔贝特-汉波丁克等人学习音乐。1909 年母亲去世后,他接任拜罗伊特音乐节总监一职。1915 年,他与威妮弗蕾德-威廉姆斯(Winifred Williams)结婚,1930 年他去世后,威廉姆斯负责管理音乐节。他根据自己的故事创作了一系列传统歌剧和童话剧、交响乐作品、小提琴音乐会、合唱团曲目和室内乐。这里介绍的音乐会曲目创作于 1913 年。它由一个乐章组成,标志着 19 世纪盛行的浪漫主义和童话式音乐的终结;它的特点是节奏细腻,充满戏谑元素"

作曲家: Wagner, Siegfried
校订者: Mehring, Arndt Jubal
乐器: flute and piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
Siegfried Wagner's name seems insignificant compared with that of his famous father, Richard Wagner, and his own son, Wolfgang Wagner, at present Director of the Bayreuther Festspiele. His compository work has nearly fallen into oblivion, reminiscences of his works as a director faded with the changes in the spirit of the times. Siegfried Wagner was born in 1869 as the third child and only son to Richard and Cosima Wagner. First, he studied architecture, then music with Engelbert Humperdinck among others. After his mother's death in 1909, he took over the directorship of the Bayreuther Festspiele. In 1915, he got married to Winifred Williams, who managed the Festspiele after his death in 1930. He composed a series of traditional operas and fairy tale ones, based on his own stories, symphonic works, a concert for violin, repertoire for choirs and chamber music. The concert piece presented here was written in 1913. It consists of one movement and marks the end of the romantic and fairy-like sound of music prevailing in the 19th century; it is characterized by rhythmic finesse and jocular elements.

语言: German - English - French
页数: 48
重量(g): 170
ISMN: 9790010344607
