
Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten 佩尔特.阿尔沃 总谱 环球版

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这首曲子是帕特向 1976 年去世的本杰明-布里顿致敬的作品。阿尔沃-帕尔特 在过去的岁月里,我们在音乐世界中失去了许多值得悼念的人。为什么本杰明-布里顿的逝世日期--1976 年 12 月 4 日--会如此触动我的心弦?在这段时间里,我显然已经认识到了这种损失的严重性。我心中产生了莫名的负罪感,甚至比负罪感更强烈。我刚刚发现了布里顿。就在他去世之前,我开始欣赏他音乐中不寻常的纯净--我曾在纪尧姆-德-马肖特的民谣中感受到同样的纯净。此外,长久以来我一直想亲自见见布里顿--而现在却没有机会了"

作曲家: Paert, Arvo
乐器: for string orchestra and bell
出版社: Universal Edition
This piece is Pärt's tribute to Benjamin Britten who died in 1976. Arvo Pärt: In the past years we have had many losses in the world of music to mourn. Why did the date of Benjamin Britten's death - 4 December 1976 - touch such a chord in me? During this time I was obviously at the point where I could recognize the magnitude of such a loss. Inexplicable feelings of guilt, more than that even, arose in me. I had just discovered Britten for myself. Just before his death I began to appreciate the unusual purity of his music - I had had the impression of the same kind of purity in the ballads of Guillaume de Machaut. And besides, for a long time I had wanted to meet Britten personally - and now it would not come to that.

'The last chord of Cantus is seemingly never-ending. It just stands there, neither growing nor decaying. Something has been achieved and it shouldn't be given up. The content of the whole work leads up to this point.' Nora Pärt

页数: 0
重量(g): 70
ISMN: 9790008084126
ISBN: 9783702470791
