
Cadenzas for the Concertos for Piano and Orchestra C major K 467 and D major K 537 'Coronation' by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 装饰乐段 协奏曲钢琴管弦乐团大调 大调 钢琴独奏 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
原价 $730TWD - 原价 $730TWD
$730TWD - $730TWD
现价 $730TWD

继贝多芬《C 小调协奏曲》(收录于 ED 20140)的精彩快板之后,这位土耳其著名钢琴家和作曲家又带来了莫扎特两首最受欢迎协奏曲的快板。Krönungskonzert KV 537》的快板以精湛的技艺模仿定音鼓和圆号,非常适合演奏场合。C 大调协奏曲 KV 467 中著名的开头主题是一首极其细腻的回旋曲,它以镜像的形式进行了赋格处理,最后乐章的主题将其推向了华丽的高潮"

作曲家: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus / Say, Faz?l
乐器: piano
出版社: Schott Music
After his spectacular cadenza of Beethoven's Concerto in C minor (contained in ED 20140), the well-known Turkish pianist and composer now presents cadenzas of two of the most popular concertos by Mozart. Imitating timpani and horns in a virtuoso manner, the cadenza of Krönungskonzert KV 537 suits the occasion splendidly. Being an extremely delicate scherzando, the well-known opening theme of the Concerto in C major KV 467 is treated fugally with its mirror form, and the theme of the final movement brings it finally to a magnificent climax.

页数: 12
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790001156745

