
Blues Time 14 pieces 蓝调 小品 钢琴独奏 齐默尔曼版

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即使在蓝调诞生一个多世纪后的今天,它的魅力依然不减,这要归功于其直接的表现力和多种多样的形式。蓝调产生于十九世纪下半叶的美国南部各州。黑人歌手(包括男歌手和女歌手)在蓝调中表达了对常人难以忍受的生活条件的不满,同时也唱出了爱情的欢乐与痛苦。将经典卡顿舞曲的三个基本和弦--主音(T)、副主音(S)和主音(D)--与源于非洲、包含蓝色音符的旋律迭加在一起,就产生了大调和小调之间的波动,这也是蓝调至今仍具有的特点。本书适合中等水平的钢琴家学习蓝调。每首小品都有自己的特点,音乐的节奏和韵律也各不相同,希望能让您有机会再次聆听著名的布鲁斯老唱片。 弗兰克-温施(Frank Wunsch,* 1945 年),钢琴家、作曲家,科隆音乐学院爵士乐钢琴教授"

作曲家: Wunsch, Frank
乐器: piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann

Displacement Blues - Sharp Eleven - Extended Blues - Four-One, Five-Two - Watch out for the Accent - Monkian Blue - Greetings from Havana - Staccato Blues - Telemann's Dream - Thirds against Seconds - Boogie in Sicths - For McCoy Tyner - A Touch of Brahms - Unison Blues

Even today, well over a century after they were first created, the blues has lost none of its fascination, thanks to its direct expressive power and the variety of forms it can take. The blues was created in the southern states of the USA in the second half of the nineteenth century. Black singers, both male and female, expressed their discontent with the often unbearable living conditions they had to endure, but also sang of the joy and misery of love. Overlaying the three basic chords of the classic cadenze - tonic (T), sub-dominant (S) and dominant (D) - with a melody of African origin containing blue notes yielded the fluctuation between major and minor that is still characteristic of the blues today. This book qualifies to introduce to the blues for pianist of mediate level. Every single one of the short pieces has got its own characteristics, the music varies in tempo and rhythm and it hopefully gives you the chance to consider listening to one of the old famous blues records again. Frank Wunsch (* 1945) is a pianist composer and professor for piano in jazz at the college of music in Cologne.
语言: German - English - French
页数: 24
重量(g): 110
ISMN: 9790010357409