
Bassoon Sonata, Op. 168 圣桑斯 奏鸣曲 低音管(含钢琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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继双簧管和单簧管奏鸣曲之后,巴松管奏鸣曲是圣桑逝世的 1921 年最后一部管乐作品。他没有机会写出计划中的昂莱斯管奏鸣曲。这首作品幽默风趣,技术要求不高,很难说作曲家对管乐并不特别熟悉。在一封信中,他向出版商承认,他更希望通过学校来确认巴松管在高音段的音域。不过,与后来的奉献者莱昂-莱特利耶(Léon Letellier)的试奏对双方来说都非常顺利。亲笔签名首次提供给亨勒乌尔文版的出版"

作曲家: Camille Saint-Saëns
校订者: Peter Jost
乐器: Bassoon; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Following the sonatas for oboe and clarinet, the bassoon sonata is the last of the compositions for wind from 1921, the year of Saint-Saëns' death. He did not have a chance to write the sonata for cor anglais he had planned. The humorous, technically not very demanding work hardly shows that the composer was not particularly well acquainted with the instrument. In a letter he admitted to his publisher that he had preferred to check a school to confirm the range of the bassoon at a high passage. However, trial runs with the subsequent dedicatee Léon Letellier went extremely well for both parties. The autograph was made available for the first time for the publication of the Henle Urtext edition.

页数: 0
重量(g): 141.75
UPC: 884088575540

