
50 new Menuets TWV 34:51-100 A Second Set of Seven times Seven plus One Minuet 泰勒曼 小步舞曲 小步舞曲 长笛加钢琴 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
原价 $730TWD - 原价 $730TWD
$730TWD - $730TWD
现价 $730TWD

格奥尔格-菲利浦-泰勒曼对业余音乐家的关心超过了当今任何一位伟大的作曲家。在他专门为业余爱好者创作的众多作品中,梅兰特(即泰勒曼)的'第二组七乘以七加一首小步舞曲'是其中之一。这些作品极具吸引力,技术要求不高,适合家庭音乐创作。这些乐曲篇幅短小,结构清晰,介绍了相对广泛的调号(包括降 E 大调、F 小调、A 大调和 B 小调),是教学的理想之选。这些乐曲非常适合向年轻演奏者介绍巴洛克高级阶段的音乐语言和这一时期典型的技术要求(琶音三和弦、宽跳跃、颤音)。低音声部可由大提琴或甘巴、低音管或低音直笛加强(低音声部仅单独提供)"

作曲家: Telemann, Georg Philipp
编者: Hofmann, Klaus
乐器: treble recorder (flute, violin) and basso continuo
出版社: Schott Music
Georg Philipp Telemann gave more consideration to amateur musicians than any of the other great composers of this day. One of the many works he wrote specifically for amateurs is the collection presented here ‘A Second Set of Seven times Seven plus One Minuet’ by Melante (i.e. Telemann). These are extremely attractive, technically not too demanding pieces for domestic music making. They are also ideal for teaching with their short, clearly structured movements which introduce a comparatively wide range of key signatures (including E flat major, F minor, A major and B minor). The pieces are ideally suited to introduce young players to the musical language of the High Baroque and the technical demands (arppegiated triads, wide leaps, trills) typical for this period. The bass line may be reinforced by a cello or gamba, bassoon or bass recorder (the basso part is only available separately).

页数: 20
重量(g): 70
ISMN: 9790001120524
UPC: 841886034044
