
24 Capricci, Op. 1 Solo Violin 帕格尼尼 小提琴 亨乐版

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帕格尼尼在小提琴文学中的里程碑,现在不仅有实用的Urtext版本(HN 450),还有学习乐谱。帕格尼尼的作品 1 于 1820 年出版,它为小提琴世界带来了一部永恒的杰作,任何新晋小提琴演奏家都不能忽视。除音乐文本外,我们的版本还包含所有感兴趣的演奏者必备的内容:帕格尼尼专家雷纳托-德-巴尔比耶里(Renato de Barbieri)的详细评论。他以大量实例和插图说明了 24 首 Capricci(随想曲)中的每一首,并以渊博的知识解释了帕格尼尼记谱法的特点及其对当今诠释的意义"

作曲家: Nicolò Paganini
校订者: Alberto Cantú
乐器: Violin; Score
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Paganini's milestone in violin literature is now not only available in a practical Urtext edition (HN 450) but also as a study score. Published in 1820 as his Opus 1, Paganini gave the violin world a timeless masterpiece, which no up-and-coming violin virtuoso can ignore. As well as the musical text, our edition also contains a must for all interested performers: a detailed commentary by the Paganini expert Renato de Barbieri. With numerous examples and illustrations for each of the 24 Capricci from the autograph, he knowledgeably explains the characteristics of Paganini's notation and its significance for its interpretation today.

页数: 116
重量(g): 249.48
UPC: 884088924553

