
10 Brilliant Miniatures for Violin and Piano Masterworks for Violin Series 小提琴 华丽的 小提琴钢琴 小提琴

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萨拉萨蒂 17 岁时获得了巴黎音乐学院小提琴和作曲专业梦寐以求的第一名,从此开始了他的音乐生涯。萨拉萨蒂在伦敦首次亮相后,剧作家兼音乐评论家萧伯纳在评论中写道:'萨拉萨蒂让评论界望尘莫及。萧伯纳还宣称,小提琴音乐作曲家很多,但像萨拉萨蒂这样的小提琴音乐作曲家却很少。他的音乐会曲目繁多,包括布鲁赫、圣桑、维尼亚夫斯基、德沃夏克等人为他创作或献给他的许多作品。他演奏自己的作品风格独特、精彩迷人。他完美的音准和惊人的节奏敏锐度令同时代的人惊叹不已。他的弓法技巧是法国小提琴演奏学派的骄傲。本卷中介绍的作品是他最优秀的作品之一。所有作品均取材于西班牙流行音乐,是一套精湛的小提琴和钢琴作品。这些作品几乎是所有伟大小提琴家的演奏曲目。它们也是非常受欢迎的安可曲目,也是新晋演奏家的最爱"

作曲家: Pablo de Sarasate
乐器: Violin;Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Lauren Keiser Music Publishing
Sarasate's concert career began at age seventeen after he was awarded the coveted Premier Prix from the Paris Conservatoire for both violin and composition. After his London debut, the playwright and music critique George Bernard Shaw wrote in his review that Sarasate 'left criticism gasping miles behind him.' Shaw also declared that there were many composers of music for the violin; there were but few composers like Sarasate for violin music. His vast concert repertory included many works written for and dedicated to him by Bruch, Saint-Saëns, Wieniawski, Dvorak and many others. He performed his own works in an inimitable, brilliant and charming manner. His contemporaries marveled at his perfect intonation and stunning rhythmic acuity. His bowing technique was the pride of the French School of violin playing. The works presented in this volume are among his finest. All are based on Spanish popular music and are a virtuosic set for violin and piano. They are and have been in virtually every great violinist's repertory. They are also exceptionally popular as encore pieces, as well as favorites of budding virtuosos.

尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*23.495cm
页数: 110
重量(g): 532.98
EAN: 9781638870418
UPC: 840126993660
