
Symphony No. 7 "Leningrad" 萧斯塔科维契,德米特里 交响曲

来自 Alfred Music
原价 $400TWD - 原价 $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD
现价 $400TWD

我将我的第七交响曲献给我们的反法西斯斗争,献给我们即将战胜的敌人,献给我的故乡列宁格勒。'现代很少有交响曲能像肖斯塔科维奇的《列宁格勒交响曲》那样引起音乐之外的猜测,该交响曲的前三个乐章是在列宁格勒被围困的最初几个月里写成的,之后作曲家和他的家人于 1941 年 10 月被疏散到莫斯科。这首交响曲立即成为全世界反对希特勒暴政的象征,不过今天看来,这首交响曲的灵感可能既来自斯大林在 20 世纪 30 年代的暴行,也来自 1941 年 6 月纳粹入侵俄罗斯的暴行。然而,无论其创作动机如何,这部比例匀称的列宁格勒交响曲都是英雄主义和人类在巨大冲突和匮乏时期忍耐力的见证"

作曲家: Shostakovich Dmitri
出版社: Alfred Music
风格: Masterwork
'I dedicate my Seventh Symphony to our struggle against fascism, to our coming victory over the enemy, to my native city, Leningrad.'Few symphonies written in modern times have attracted the degree of extra-musical speculation accorded Shostakovich's LeningradSymphony, the first three movements of which were written during the initial months of the siege of Leningrad before the composer and his family were evacuated to Moscow in October 1941. It became an immediate worldwide symbol of the opposition to the tyranny of Hitler, though today it seems that the Symphony's inspiration may have stemmed as much from Stalin's atrocities during the 1930s as from the brutalities of the Nazi invasion of Russia in June 1941. Whatever the motivation behind its genesis, however, the epically-proportioned Leningrad Symphonystands as a testament to heroism and human endurance at a time of overwhelming conflict and deprivation.

页数: 0
重量(g): 90.718474
UPC: 747313225620
