
24 Caprices, Opus 1 帕格尼尼 随想曲 作品

来自 Alfred Music
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帕格尼尼的声誉始终取决于他作为小提琴家的惊人技艺,再加上他的表演能力,他能以惊人的精湛技艺征服听众,令听者目瞪口呆。他的演奏为十九世纪的其他演奏家带来了灵感,在华沙向肖邦推荐了钢琴练习曲,并向李斯特推荐了帕格尼尼研究的素材,李斯特于 1838 年创作了帕格尼尼研究。帕格尼尼的外表给人们留下了深刻印象。他憔悴的五官、驼背的肩膀和阴沉的衣着,都让人联想到他与魔鬼的关系,据称魔鬼是他力量的源泉,而他的秘书哈里斯在他的旅行中经常出现在他身边,也证实了这种联想。帕格尼尼本人否认了与魔鬼签订契约的说法,他以其特有的对公共关系价值的理解,在一个更加轻信的时代,讲述了天使在梦中拜访他的母亲,预言了他的出生和他的天才"

作曲家: Paganini Niccolò
出版社: Alfred Music
风格: Masterwork
Paganini's popular reputation rested always on his phenomenal technique as a violinist, coupled with a showman's ability to dominate an audience and to stupefy those who heard him by astonishing feats of virtuosity. His playing served as an inspiration to other performers in the nineteenth century, suggesting to Chopin, in Warsaw, the piano Etudes, and to Liszt the material of the Paganini studies that he wrote in 1838. The very appearance of Paganini impressed people. His gaunt aquiline features, his suggestion of hunched shoulders and his sombre clothing, gave rise to legends of association with the Devil, the alleged source of his power, an association supported by the frequent appearance by his side on his travels of his secretary, one Harris, thought by some to be a familiar spirit or a Mephistopheles watching over his Faust. Stories of a pact with the Devil were denied by Paganini himself, who, with characteristic understanding of the value of public relations in a more credulous age, told of an angelic visitation to his mother, in a dream, foretelling his birth and his genius.

页数: 0
重量(g): 90.718474
UPC: 730099571722
