
Piano Concerto 提佩特 钢琴协奏曲 双钢琴 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
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蒂佩特钢琴协奏曲》创作于 1953 年至 1955 年之间,可视为 20 世纪中期对以往英雄式和打击乐协奏曲类型的评论和反动。其最初的灵感来自于蒂皮特于1950年在一场音乐会上听到吉塞金排练贝多芬第四钢琴协奏曲的第一乐章。蒂皮特后来在谈到自己的协奏曲的起源时写道:在贝多芬乐章古典而诗意的演奏影响下,我发现自己被说服了,也许可以写一首当代的协奏曲,在这首协奏曲中,钢琴再次发挥了它的诗意功能。 除了蒂皮特自己承认的贝多芬的影响之外,对协奏曲音乐语言的主要影响,正如蒂皮特自己所承认的,是他刚刚完成的自己的歌剧《仲夏的婚礼》。正如作曲家本人对其协奏曲的评价:"音乐丰富、线性、抒情,就像那部歌剧一样"

作曲家: Tippett, Sir Michael
乐器: piano and orchestra
出版社: Schott Music
Tippett’s Piano Concerto - written between 1953 and 1955 - may be seen as both a mid-20th-century commentary upon, and a reaction against, the former heroic and percussive concerto types. Its initial inspiration came when Tippett heard Gieseking rehearse the first movement of Beethoven’s Fourth Piano Concerto for a concert in 1950. Tippett later wrote of the genesis of his own concerto: ‘Under the influence of an exceptionally poetic yet classical performance of the Beethoven movement, I found myself persuaded that a contemporary concerto might be written, in which the piano is used once again for its poetic capabilities.’ Apart from the self-acknowledged Beethovenian influences, the main influence on the musical language of the concerto, as Tippett himself acknowledges, was his own opera The Midsummer Marriage, which he had just finished. As the composer himself comments on his concerto, ‘the music is rich, linear, lyrical, as in that opera.’

页数: 84
重量(g): 280
ISMN: 9790220103285
