
A Hymn for the Lost and the Living for Trombone Choir 赞美歌 长号

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在 2001 年 9 月 11 日悲剧发生后的几天里,纽约成了一个空荡荡的城市,街道上到处都是即兴的、令人心碎的纪念碑,悼念我们失去的市民、朋友和家人。《献给逝者和生者的赞美诗》描绘了那段极度悲伤而又出人意料地坚韧的日子,全国人民在哀悼巨大损失的同时,共同寻求帮助、安慰和力量。克里斯-夏普为 2013 年 9 月 11 日北得克萨斯大学长号合唱团的首演创作了这一编曲"

作曲家: Eric Ewazen
改编者: Chris Sharpe
乐器: Trombone Choir
出版社: Southern Music Co.
The several days which followed the tragedy of September 11, 2001, New York became a city landscape of empty streets and impromptu, heartbreaking memorials mourning our lost citizens, friends and family. A Hymn for the Lost and the Living portrays those days of supreme sadness and surprising resilience as the country mourned a great loss while coming together for help, comfort, and strength. This arrangement was created by Chris Sharpe for the 2013 University of North Texas Trombone Choir premiere which took place on September 11th.

Instrumentation: 12 trombones.

A Hymn for the Lost and the Living (for Trombone Choir)
页数: 0
重量(g): 277.83
EAN: 9781581062069
UPC: 888680051419
