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Sinfonias (Three Part Inventions) - Revised Edition Piano Solo - Softcover with Fingerings 巴赫‧约翰瑟巴斯提安 钢琴 三声部创意曲 亨乐版


原价 ¥0.00 CNY
原价 ¥146.91 CNY - 原价 ¥146.91 CNY
现价 ¥146.91 CNY
¥146.91 CNY - ¥146.91 CNY
现价 ¥146.91 CNY

巴赫的三声部《小协奏曲》让每个年龄段的钢琴家都了解了只用两只手就能演奏三个相等声部的艺术--这是一种真正的现象!这些乐曲与二部曲《发明曲》一起被认为是每位钢琴家不可或缺的作品,这绝非偶然。这首优美的乐曲在问世近 300 年后的今天,仍然与我们息息相关。Henle 现在推出了这一经典曲集的新版本,它汲取了所有已知的数据,并提供了最好的指导,尤其是在所传递的润饰变奏方面。新巴赫--每个年龄段钢琴家的理想选择!

作曲家: Johann Sebastian Bach
校订者: Ulrich Scheideler
乐器: Piano; Piano Solo
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Bach's three-part Sinfonias acquaint pianists of every age with the art of playing three equal parts with just two hands - a true phenomenon! It is no accident that these pieces, together with the two-part Inventions, are considered indispensable to every pianist. This beautiful music has lost nothing of its relevance to us nearly 300 years after its creation. Henle now presents a new edition of this classic collection, which draws upon all known sources and offers the best in instruction, especially with respect to the transmitted embellishment variants. The new Bach - ideal for pianists of every age!

页数: 60
重量(g): 252.315
UPC: 888680103163

