
10 Duos for Baritone and Piano (2012) 二重奏 钢琴 骑熊士版

来自 Bärenreiter
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作曲家鲁道夫-凯尔特伯尔尼(Rudolf Kelterborn)谈他的作品: "我将这十首为男中音和钢琴而作的作品称为'二重奏',因为在音乐上,声部和乐器分谱的处理是绝对平等的,而且往往各行其是。其中两首二重奏(《Alles Gold》和《Gegenlicht in den Bergen》)选自艾丽卡-布卡尔特(Erika Burkart)为男中音和 14 种乐器创作的《合奏集 I》(1990 年)。这 10 首二重奏并不构成一个完整的周期,只能作为整部作品来聆听。可以根据文本或音乐方面的要求,将较小的二重奏组合在一起演奏。这些文本的作者多年来一直激励着我"。

作曲家: Kelterborn, Rudolf
乐器: for Baritone and Piano
出版社: Bärenreiter 骑熊士(小熊版)
难度: 4
The composer Rudolf Kelterborn about his work: “I call the ten compositions for baritone and piano ‘DUOS’ because the voice and instrument parts are treated musically with absolute equality and indeed often go their own independent ways. Two duos (‘Alles Gold’ and ‘Gegenlicht in den Bergen’) come from the ‘Ensemble-Book I’ for baritone and 14 instruments with texts by Erika Burkart (1990). The 10 duos do not form a complete cycle that can be heard only as an entire work. Smaller groups can be put together and presented according to text-related or musical aspects. The texts are by authors who have continued to inspire me for years.”
页数: 26 S.
重量(g): 124
尺寸(cm): 30,0 x 23,0 cm
ISMN: 9790006534012
