
Prelude - Te Lucis Ante Terminum Organ Solo 前奏曲 管风琴 管风琴

来自 Novello
原价 $700TWD - 原价 $700TWD
$700TWD - $700TWD
现价 $700TWD

这首短小(44 小节)的沉思曲是献给希拉里-科纳尔(Hilary Cornall)的,其形式为轻柔流畅的安魂曲,时号变化频繁,但有一个恒定的四分音符脉冲 = 126。这赋予了作品一种萦绕心头的特质,仿佛在视觉上--静静地观察云彩划过夏日风和日丽的天空。从音调上看,音乐从隐含的 A 小调逐渐下降到 G 调--模式微妙而不确定,但无疑是最后的模式,如同夜晚的来临。正如这位作曲家的许多音乐一样,效果简单但非常感人,右手不断流动的开放五度是乐章的主要表现形式。这是最有效的微型作品。虽然封面和扉页上的日期是 2010 年,但作曲家本人却在最后一小节的末尾注明了 2009 年

作曲家: John Rutter
乐器: Organ
出版社: Novello

Prelude On Te Lucis Ante

This short (44 bars) contemplation is dedicated to the memory of Hilary Cornall, and takes the form of a gentlyËflowing Andante tranquillo with frequently-changing time signatures but with a constant quaver pulse = 126. This gives the work a haunting quality, as if in visual terms – quietly observing the passage of cloud across a balmy summer sky. Tonally, the music gradually descends from an implied A minor to G – the mode subtly indeterminate, but undoubtedly final, as the approach of evening. As with so much music by this composer, the effect is simple but very touching, the constantly flowing open fifths in the right hand adding the principal expression of movement. A most effective miniature. Although dated 2010 on the cover and title page, the composer himself gives 2009 at the end of the final bar.' –James Palmer
页数: 4
重量(g): 39.69
UPC: 888680797218